Monday, December 20, 2010


I know. It has been FOREVER (or two weeks?).
Blogger is accesible again at work, so I have no excuse. I don't really want or need an excuse though.

Life is good. We leave Wednesday for our Christmas travels spanning across Missouri and Kansas. The Christmas shopping is done, the packages that need shipped are shipped. We did not manage to get a Christmas tree this year, but that's OK. I think if your Holiday is more stressful than fun you are doing too much. The exception to this of course is if you have kids who you want to do everything for. But being currently childless, I think we should do as much makes us happy, and not more.

I have been thinking about my new years resolutions a lot and have some good ideas. I will tell you more when we get back from our trip. It involves new music, books, movies, and habits. I may reincarnate the organization dragon in a whole new, and possibly more-accomplishable form.

Is accomplishable a word?
Oh well.

In case I don't make another appearance, Happy Yule!!

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