Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another type-by Tagging

Another tag game is going on, perhaps more amusing than the last, at least to me, and I have been tagged by Lori over at Musings from a VERY Random Mind
. So, I happily play.

Directions: Go to wherever you store your pictures and go into the fourth folder and take the fourth picture. Post it here and explain it, then tag more people.

Here it is. It actually is from the fourth folder that is MINE from the fourth folder of pictures (we have a lot of ILs pictures on this computer).

I was very fortunate that this picture came up. It is one of my favorite pictures of myself in college. It was taken in 2003, Freshman year of college, in my dorm room. I stole this hat from a friend, and DH (then BF) liked it so much we did a mini photo shoot with it on. This picture in color is a little goody, since its a red plan hat and I am wearing a yellow tank top, etc, so I changed it to sepia. It was my profile pic for a really long time.

So, who to tag, who to tag?

I tag Laurelyn and Allison

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