Thursday, January 22, 2009

Off the Deep End...

So, there have been two nights in the past week or so where I just did not sleep well, where I could not fall asleep properly, I tossed and turned and half-slept all night. I wake up after a night like that feeling more tired than when I laid down to go to sleep. Its not good. I am sort of... how should I say... HORRIBLE at dealing with sleep deprivation. Ask DH, I do not do well at all. I get extremely grumpy and hard to deal with.

In this case, the sleep deprivation is also manifesting itself as extreme goofiness. I spent yesterday afternoon in my friends office (the same one I rescued the bat with), talking nonsense and slowly shredding a coffee filter I found. To some of you that sounds like I have had a mental break I am sure, but for those of you who know me well you are probably just thinking, "OH, I know exactly what you mean, of course you were doing that." The fact is, when I am around people I know well, I don't really bother trying to censor the randomness, and when I am worn out or sleep deprived, that randomness is quite extreme.

Anyways, hopefully I can catch up on my sleep this weekend, though as usual, I have already filled up big parts of it - Rock Band on Friday night (with a smaller group this time then last week), a Wedding Shower/Party on Saturday night, and my Grandma's on Sunday.

In other news, after being publicly shamed, I finally met with W. You know, that guy my adviser yelled at me to meet with over a week ago. The public shaming took the form of a blog post that looked like this:



Did you contact W yet? Don't make me hunt you down!


Yep. Public shaming. Pathetic part is I prefer the public shaming to the face to face discussion about it. LOL. So, I met with W and things are in order in that regard, no more need to hide from my adviser. I also turned in my first economics assignment. They are much easier this quarter than last quarter. I think that about sums up all the random stuff on this end of things.

Oh, and cheers to President Obama for stopping U.S. torture and starting the process of shutting down Guantanamo Bay! I am glad to see things changing for the better so fast with him in office!!

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