Monday, February 23, 2009

Slacker Sundays

Sunday was great. I did... pretty much nothing. I got up, walked the dog, made a ridiculously high calorie breakfast (bacon and eggs in a hole), read my book club book The Sun Also Rises while watching a HORRIBLE sci-fi channel movie, and that takes me up to about 1:30pm. Mmm. Eggs and Bacon. I might have to go make some of that right now. I stop my account at 1:30 because that is about when Aaron and Ben decided to drag themselves out of bed. WoW kept them up until 5am and 7:30am respectively. On a side note, the weather yesterday was so weird! Sunny, but snowy. Very cold, snowing, but no accumulation. It was very pretty at times, the sunny sky and the snow.

After they were up and around I read a little more, and then headed out to Barnes and Noble to browse for a book club read for next month when I am responsible for picking the book. I found two potential candidates and am now letting the club vote on it. Back at the house I proceeded to eat leftovers for dinner, and watch more bad TV. Then I moved the TV from our Bedroom into the office, with the plan of being able to work on lecture notes while watching the Oscars. Instead, it facilitated me playing online games while watching the Oscars.

As for the Oscars, which I really should call by their proper name, the Academy Awards, I enjoyed them thoroughly. Hugh Jackman was hilarious, the scripts for presenters were great. I loved that Ben Stiller made fun of Joaquim Phoenix, hopefully its a sign that Joaquim Phoenix is also pulling a joke. I now had added Doubt, Slumdog Millionaire, Milk, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to my "must see" list. I hope everyone else enjoyed it!


Wandering Explorer said...

I love lazy Sundays! I happened to have one myself, and the week seems so much more palatable afterwards. What was the B Sci-Fi movie?

Anonymous said...

that's how the weather was here too!!!

sounds like a lovely day!


ps - yeah... I really just need to ask about an x-ray. I completely forgot the day I was "practicing" taking pictures of skulls in Portland!

rising esoteric said...

I really liked Benjamin, even if it's slow...

What books did you pick?